Friday 31 May 2013

Lesson 7

Lesson 7 - Background Image to your text.

This lesson will teach you how to add background image to your texts in HTML.


<*div style="background-image: url(YOUR URL HERE);*">

If you want to add more characterizations feel free to do so. You can add background color, text alignment, font, font size etc. The basic characterization has been already taught to you. So feel free to use them here.


Place the code of the basic characterization after the semi colon.

It should look something like this.

<*div style="background-image: url(YOUR URL HERE);*background-color:#FFFFFF;color:000000;Padding-top:265px;padding-bottom:10px;text-align:center;*">

Write a small paragraph about anything you want using the above codes. Do not forget to add an image to your background. Change the background color, font size, font style and padding top and bottom.
Oh! And you can even do these sentences in bold, italics and underline if you want!

Monday 20 May 2013

Lesson 6

Lesson 6 - Basic Characterization

This lesson will teach you the basic characterization in HTML.

Divisions are easy and comfortable to deal with. So that's what I'm going to teach you. The basic division.

Remember to remove * wherever you see.

<*div style="background-color:#000000;font-size:14px;font-family:'century gothic';text-align:center;padding-top:20px;padding-bottom:20px;color:#FFFFFF;">INSERT YOUR TEXT HERE </div>

So going step by step I'll explain everything, that is, which code does what and how to change them according to your own needs.

#000000 is the background color code. You can change this code to whichever color you prefer. Just Google 'HTML Color codes' and you will find tons of different codes.

14px is the size of the font and Century Gothic is the font. You can change them as well.

Text-align Center means where you want the text to be placed. You can change it to right, left whichever you prefer.

Padding top: It represents how much empty space you want to leave from the top before writing starts. Similarly padding bottom shows how much space to leave from the bottom. You can change the number before 'px' according to your preference.


This is the basic code. <*div style="border-color:#000000;border-width:3px;border-style:double;">

Replace #000000 with any color code of your preference.
Double is the border style. You can change that to regular,dashed, dotted etc.
3px is the width. You can also change to any number.

Now if you want to add back ground color and other characteristics add them up using the basic characterization code. It will look something like this

<*div style="font-size:14px;font-family:'century gothic';text-align:center;padding-top:20px;padding-bottom:20px;color:#000000;border-color:#000000;border-width:3px;border-style:double;*"> TEXT HERE


1.Write a small paragraph about anything you want using the basic characterization code. Change the background color, font size, font style and padding top and bottom.
2. Write a sentence and add border to it.
Oh! And you can even do these sentences in bold, italics and underline if you want!

Thursday 16 May 2013

To her surprise by Bree_Niah

A teen fiction by Bree_Niah.

The book cover is good. I liked the texture and the font and the colors are good too. Nice job!

The prologue is a bit vague, also the sentences are too big. Consider making them short. Short sentences are easy to read and understand. They also make the scene more easy to visualize. Apart from that, the story sounds good and quite original.

The start was good, quite catchy I'd say. But there are mistakes, grammatical and in punctuations as well. They need to be fixed. I think getting an editor at this stage would prove to be more beneficial at this stage.

The concept of the chapter was good. There was a consistent flow to it which made me stick to it to the end. The descriptions, details were good. The sentences were short and the picture was cleared.

Overall, I would say, nice plot, god story and your characters are pretty strong. Keep it up!

Here is the story:


Sunday 12 May 2013

Lesson 5

Lesson 5 - Text Alignment and Background color

This lesson will teach you how to align your text and to change the background color.
Remember to remove * wherever you see.


Left Align: <*h1 style ="text-align:left;font-family: arial;"> YOUR TEXT HERE <*/h1>

Center Align:<*h1 style="text-align:center;font-family:arial;"> YOUR TEXT HERE <*/h1>

Right Align:<*h1 style="text-align:right;font-family:arial;"> YOUR TEXT HERE <*/h1>

H1 is the code for header.


<*span style ="text-align:center;font-family:arial; background-color:yellow;">TEXT <*/span>

*Just replace the color with either the code using #FFFFFF or write the name of the color!

1.Write a sentence in left align.
2. Write a sentence in right align.
3. Write a sentence in center align.
4. Write two sentences in different background color.

Thursday 9 May 2013

Lesson 4

Lesson 4 - LINKS

This lesson will teach you how to insert links behind pictures and words.
Remember to remove * wherever you see.


So what is a hyperlink? Hyperlink is a link hidden behind something.

You can use the link behind a word and a picture.


<*A href="LINK HERE">WORD<*/A>
Replace the 'word' in the code with 'any other word of your choice.


<*A href = "*LINK HERE"> <*IMG SRC = "*LINK TO IMAGE"*>

LINK HERE: The link of your favorite singer/actor (See assignment)
LINK TO IMAGE: Link to the picture you're going to use but first you need to upload it to photobucket and then past the direct link.

Still finding it difficult?
Check out the tutorial here:


1. Write a link to your profile using the first code.
2. Use any image of your choice and link it to your favorite singer/actor's site or photo.

Wednesday 8 May 2013

My Sister, Audrey by hauntedforeveralways

A teen fiction by hauntedforeveralways.

The book cover is attractive, quite nice I would say but I would suggest changing the font since its not that visible, also changing the color of the font would benefit. Choose fonts like Avenir, Chunk five etc...they will make your font look more visible.

The prologue was short and sweet. i would say i have never read something like this before. It was all about love relationships that I've read on wattpad, but this is different. This topic is so wide and beautiful, I absolutely loved the concept.

The start was good, but I would suggest reframing some sentences there. For example, 'Her name was Audrey. The younger is called Lucy' to Her name was Audrey and the younger one, Lucy. It sounds more smooth and adds to the flow.

The chapter was good. the dialogues were natural and I liked them. The flow of the chapter is really good as well. But there are a few suggestions that i would like to make. Start a new paragraph whenever there's a dialogue. It make the dialogues really stand out and plus it helps a lot in the presentation. You've also missed a few commas in the chapter, so another edit of the chapter is necessary. Also, you could be a bit more descriptive about scenes, try to elaborate as much as you can. It just makes the scene easier to visualize.

Overall, I would say really nice, good concept and I loved it!

Check it here:


Tuesday 7 May 2013

The Popularity Crisis by FunnySigns

A teen fiction by FunnySigns.

The cover was beautiful. It was really great. i loved the colors and the font. It was really capturing and I loved it

The prologue was good, interesting. It was well written and the flow was good too. I liked how the prologue begin as well.

The start was great, I loved the lyrics it was something different. Moving over, I think the paragraphs could have been a little shorter in length. They are way too big, you should consider cutting out the length. Either edit it or make it into two separate paragraphs, that will solve the problem.

And also try to make paragraphs when writing dialogue, that will make the chapter easy to look and plus it'll help loads in the presentation.

Otherwise, the flow is great and the punctuations are perfect too. At this stage I would suggest you to get an editor just to make the chapter even more sharp and accurate.

Overall, the story was great, I loved it.

Check it here: